

Drone parachute

Original price was: $ 10.00.Current price is: $ 7.00.

If you don’t have a 3D printer and would like a fully assembled model or a kit, send me a message and I’ll be more than happy to discuss

This product includes STL files, wiring diagram, code & Printing Instructions

  • Printer Requirements: 220x220x250mm or larger
  • Recommended Material: PLA
  • Printer Type: FDM

Note – This work is licensed under a Standard Digital File License

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

This is a drone parachute I have designed and tested. I have 3D printed its case and tested many designs before reaching the final design. Since I was used to drone crashes during testing, this system will somewhat reduce the loss.

Do check it out, guys.

If you don’t have a 3D printer and would like a fully assembled model or a kit, send me a message and I’ll be more than happy to discuss 🙂

Watch our DIY Drone parachute video on YouTube


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    Drone parachute
    Original price was: $ 10.00.Current price is: $ 7.00.