
Brijendra Pal

SLS 3D Printing Cover

SLS 3D Printing & How Budget Friendly It Is?

With SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) 3D printers getting cheaper daily, everyone is thinking about buying one of them.  But are they really that affordable or are there some hidden costs that you should know about? Let’s discuss all these things in this post on SLS 3D printing and exactly how Budget-friendly it is? When this […]

SLS 3D Printing & How Budget Friendly It Is? Read More »

Printing Flat Surface on SLA

3D Printing Flat Surfaces On A SLA 3D Printer

SLA 3D printers are perfect for printing miniature and smooth surfaces. Although sometimes while printing something like a cube or a model having flat surfaces at different angles, one of the surfaces may be smooth, others are generally roughly graded. You can feel and see the pattern (grading) also when you will run your finger

3D Printing Flat Surfaces On A SLA 3D Printer Read More »

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